AI Creative Writing
Prompt Builder

Get predictable, high-quality creative copy with expertly built prompts.


Define the agent's identity, expertise, and personality.


Define what the agent should accomplish.


Provide background to ground the task.

Writing Topic:

List the topic, location, subject or idea(s) you want to write about.

Additional Details:

Provide additional details, facts, statistics etc..

Character Count

Minimum and maximum character count
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Voice & Style

Select the tone(s) and style(s) for the agent's responses. (+ctrl to select multiple)

Writing Example:

Provide a writing example as a reference for writing style and voice

Banned Words & Phrases:

List words or phrases the agent must avoid. (optional)


Set non-negotiable guardrails with 'Never' and 'Always' rules.
Add Rule


Provide a step-by-step workflow.

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